Navigating super and tax rules after the death of a pensioner with an SMSF can be tricky, but the key is to ensure the ...
The AFCA determination over the definition of ‘wholesale investor’ and ‘wholesale client’ could create a raft of issues ...
Women are less likely to seek financial advice than men because of cost concerns, according to new research.
The classification as a sophisticated investor removes a great deal of adviser compliance activity and paperwork. It also ...
An SMSF can own real property with other entities but cannot be joint tenants, an industry technical specialist has said. Shelley Banton, head of technical for ASF Audits, has said that SMSFR 2009/1, ...
The consequences at the core of the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort for financial advice professionals have put ...
The SMSFA has urged the government to consider creating a “designated role” to sit alongside a primary tax agent who could ...
Compassionate release of super benefits must not only be allowed through the deed of an SMSF, but also must be approved by the ATO, a specialist has said.
He said the latest statistics show that SMSF opportunity is slowing for existing advisers due to the number of advisers, which has steadied, combined with a slowing growth of SMSFs and assets.