Horst Köhler, a onetime head of the International Monetary Fund who became a popular German president before stunning the ...
He held the ceremonial post of German president after a finance-focused career. Shortly into his second term, he became the ...
Horst Koehler, former German president from 2004 to 2010 and a respected global policymaker with a particular interest in ...
Der ehemalige Bundespräsident Horst Köhler ist im Alter von 81 Jahren verstorben. Zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus der Politik ...
Germany's former president Horst Koehler, who also once headed the International Monetary Fund and was a strong backer of ...
Germany's former president Horst Koehler, who served as head of state from 2004 to 2010 and was a strong backer of Africa, ...
Zweibrücken. 2007 war der am Samstag verstorbene damalige Bundespräsident in Zweibrücken. Er wurde von 2000 Menschen ...
Der frühere Bundespräsident Horst Köhler ist tot. Er starb am frühen Samstagmorgen im Alter von 81 Jahren nach kurzer schwerer Krankheit, wie das Bundespräsidialamt in Berlin mitteilte.
Statement by IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on the Passing of Former IMF Managing Director Mr. Horst Köhler ...
BERLIN — (AP) — Horst Köhler, a onetime head of the International Monetary Fund who became a popular German president before stunning the country by resigning abruptly in a flap over comments ...
Nursultan Nasarbajew regiert Kasachstan mir harter Hand - für Gerhard Schröder, Otto Schily oder Peter Gauweiler kein Grund, Distanz zu wahren. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen setzten sich die Ex ...