Ten of Patrick's 40 priorities have already passed out of the Senate, including three of the items on the new list released ...
Violent tornadoes ripped through several areas of Mississippi on Saturday, killing at least three people and damaging several ...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed one and reappointed four members to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy.
The Texas governor gained national attention by busing migrants to Democratic cities. Now he’s paving the way for President ...
Texas Governor Abbott announced the state's economy has reached new job and workforce milestones, leading the nation in ...
Governor Greg Abbott was in Gatesville to deliver the keynote address to the Coryell County Republican Party at their Lincoln-Reagan dinner.
With more than 20 hours of discussion, the Texas House Committee on Public Education adjourned around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday.
The feds are adding thousands of beds to hold families in Texas, which reportedly holds the most immigrants of any state at ...
SAN ANTONIO - A new bill has been proposed to prevent the alleged "non-human" behavior at Texas schools, and it has the ...
In Texas, lawmakers only have the first 60 days of each regular legislative session to propose new laws, leading to a mad ...
Water is complex. So are the terms used to describe it. Get to know the language as Texas debates how to save its water ...
Governor Abbott Activates Additional State Emergency Resources in Anticipation of Critical Wildfire Risks Across Texas.