Harvard Business School (HBS) is home to veterans of all branches of the US Military, as well as foreign militaries. Veterans bring a variety of unique and valuable skills to the HBS community.
Hussam, Reshmaan, Sophus A. Reinert, and Namrata Arora. "Bangladesh: Into the Maelstrom." Harvard Business School Case 719-008, November 2018. (Revised February 2023.) ...
Paulson, Elisabeth, Christopher T. Ryan, and Nanxi Zhang. "VOCEL(A): Democratizing Brain Science for Early Childhood Education." Harvard Business School Case 625-081, January 2025.
De Freitas, Julian, X. Zhou, Shoshana Boardman, Margherita Atzei, and Luigi Di Lillo. "Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability." Journal of Consumer Psychology (in press).