For the first time, someone has captured a meteor strike and the sound of its crash on video. Watch it for yourself!
University of Waikato provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. Every day, about 48.5 tonnes of space rock hurtle towards Earth. Meteorites that fall into the ocean are never recovered. But ...
NASA warns of a giant asteroid, 2024 WY70, approaching Earth at 36,606 km/h. At 820 feet wide and as big as a football ...
A sharp crash that sounds like glass shattering or ice cracking has been documented as likely the world's first audio recording of a meteorite crash. It came by chance from a doorbell camera, recorded ...
This week, NASA has identified a 160-foot asteroid, named 2025 BK, set to make a close approach to Earth. Here’s everything ...
January started out with a meteor shower and now has a planetary alignment in store. Here's what you'll be able to see and ...
Michigan State University and NASA researchers discover seven dark comets that reveal new solar system secrets.
How exactly these extinct creatures had sex has proved something of a mystery - but now an expert sheds light on this most prehistoric of intercourse.
Planet Nine", dubbed, has fascinated scientists for its ability to account for "anomalous" motions of objects located faraway ...
PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, ...
Just as we are reckoning with how to conserve ecosystems on Earth for future living creatures, we must think of space as an ...
Mars' dramatic north-south divide has puzzled scientists for half a century. However, they may now have a conclusive answer.