The new agreement “includes changes to the exclusivity on new capacity, moving to a model where Microsoft has a right of ...
The Indian government has perhaps its biggest contingent ever at Davos this year, and India and Saudi Arabia are taking up ...
The Paris agreement is complex and works in a slow bureaucratic manner. It’s a mostly voluntary climate pact originally ...
False and misleading information supercharged with cutting-edge artificial intelligence that threatens to erode democracy and ...
[co-authors: Ben Littlewood, Imogen Thwaites, Srishti Chhajer, Hannah Dingemans, Kieran Farrelly, Emily Louise, Beatrix Mosey, Aphrah Raja, and Makar Rozhkov] ...
Scientists have now used the Artificial Intelligence model to find a disturbing pattern at the planet's edge. They used AI to ...
The new US president reverses dozens of his predecessor's decrees and thus puts the brakes on innovation. More energy is ...
To better understand glaciers in Svalbard and beyond, we used an AI model to analyse millions of satellite images from ...
In the quest to make apple trees more resilient in a warming climate, some researchers in Michigan are looking for a late ...
The data hasn’t improved since then, although, fortunately, AI tools have vastly improved and offer new possibilities.
The move announced Monday is a blow to worldwide efforts to combat global warming and distances the nation from its closest ...
TWENTY twenty five is a year of uncertainty for the Philippines, from the environmental, economic, and social standpoints. Environmental uncertainty as reflected in the floods that have inundated the ...