Women will overthrow the Islamic system established in Iran after the 1979 revolution even if the authorities survive a military conflict, Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi said in a
The 2022 protests hark to March 8, 1979, when Iranian women cowed clerics, writes Nobel winner Narges Mohammadi.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates--Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi began ... The decision by Mohammadi, 51, increases pressure on Iran's theocracy over her incarceration, a month after ...
Punishing Iran was not on Donald Trump’s mind when he entered the White House in January. Rather, he had gone out of his way to declare his desire for a deal by avoiding insulting rhetoric, disavowing regime change and declaring nuclear weapons as his only red line.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that this year’s Peace Prize will go to Narges Mohammadi, a 51-year-old women’s rights activist in Iran. Since her university days, Mohammadi has been a ...
A prominent Iranian pop singer who made a song urging women to remove their headscarves said Wednesday that he was willing to pay "a price for freedom" after being flogged
For someone with “a hyper-fixation” about winning the Nobel Peace Prize, as an advisor put it ... Tyrants in Russia yukking it up along with those in China, North Korea and Iran, at democratic nations’ expense. Last week, Trump’s negotiators ...
While the Trump administration has stepped up its “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran by adding to existing sanctions, Tehran has called for
Nor would Trump be feted at some future Oslo award ceremony if he realises his vision of peace in the Middle East: the ethnic cleansing of around two million Palestinians from Gaza, to who-knows-where, so Americans can create a second “Riviera” – with the help of US troops if the region doesn’t capitulate.
Volodymyr Zelensky deserves the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize for fighting to preserve international law that bans great powers from invading neighbors and seizing land by force.