On Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Marathon 2025 started with a bang. Among this year's runners, about 200 of them from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) took part with a mission. These runners not ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
滙豐宣布推出三及及五年期的定息按揭計劃, 年利率低至3.03厘, 較現行浮動利率低47點子, 為置業者提供額外選擇, 以應對潛在利率波動. 滙豐香港區財富管理及個人銀行業務零售產品主管麥信翎(Sidney Massunaga)表示, 針對利率走勢不明朗, 銀行特意推出全新的定息按揭計劃, 並確保提供極具競爭力的息率, 讓置業人士能把按揭利率鎖定一段時間, 使財務負擔更為穩定, 協助實現置業夢想.
Warner Bros has agreed to develop a "Harry Potter Studio Tour" in Shanghai with Jinjiang International, the Chinese group said on Wednesday. Jinjiang said in a social media post that the proposed amus ...
The Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation has recommended filing criminal charges against Vice President Sara Duterte over an alleged threat to assassinate President Ferdinand Marcos Jr and ot ...
日本央行行長植田和男表示, 央行在執行貨幣政策時, 將把食品價格可能繼續高企並影響通脹預期的風險納入考量. 植田和男在日本國會表示, 已經深刻意識到新鮮食品和其他常購產品通脹超過百分之2, 正在對人民生活產生負面影響, 認為包括生鮮食品在內的食品價格升勢不一定是暫時, 有可能會影響人民的心態和價格預期, 重申央行加息步伐將取決於經濟、物價和金融形勢. 他表示, 日本央行將在六月對當前減少買債計劃進 ...
The suspension of U.S. foreign aid has harmed UN humanitarian operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a senior UN official said Tuesday. "The security and humanitarian situation in t ...
警方正調查元朗橫州振興新村昨晚發生命案, 兩名分別93歲及69歲的父子倒斃一間村屋內, 另外一名19歲男子在朗屏邨墮樓死亡. 三名死者是三爺孫關係. 大批警方機動部隊人員及重案組人員, 早上在振興新村一帶搜索證據. 警方昨晚8點幾接獲報案, 指兩名男子被發現昏迷倒臥在振興新村一間村屋內, 身上有刀傷, 救護員到場證實兩人已經死亡. 警方其後接報, 附近的朗屏邨悅屏樓一名男子墮樓, 當場證實死亡.
港投公司與新風天域啟動戰略合作, 是港投公司今年第一個投資項目. 港投公司行政總裁陳家齊表示, 今次投資符合三大投資賽道, 項目涵蓋生命科技, 並融合人工智能及數據科學. 港投公司在生命科技領域佈局寬闊, 由去年的蛋白質基礎人工智能大模型, 到今次能夠提供應用場景的新風天域, 能夠真正將科研成果接觸社會大眾. 她表示, 醫療科技要普惠落地, 令市民用得到、用得好、用得起, 新風天域會在未來研究項目 ...